Don't worry, someone didn't break into our house . . . something did.
One of the wonderful adventures of having a puppy (and a cat who is obsessed with being outside) is that your door is always open. Dally can never seem to decide whether inside or outside is a more exciting place to be and so we are constantly assisting her relocation. (Yes, "relocation" is the appropriate word-- she's a lot of puppy to move and each move usually requires food/water and at least one toy.)
As much as I looooooove our new sliding glass door, I am starting to think that a revolving door would have been more appropriate. I also realize how convenient people must find those "dog doors" . . . those people probably don't have dogs the size of a large man though. Hence, no other practical solutions have yet been determined to cut down on the amout of time our back door is open.
Because of the constant opening and closing of the door, not only should we buy stock in WD-40 to try and recoup some of our costs--- we are also being invaded by a number of creepy crawlies.
Monday, my battle was against a particularly annoying mosquito who I could swear bit me about ten times while I was making dinner. I would consider that a violent attack, wouldn't you? I swatted and I swung and I even called the Mr. over, but the devious blood-sucking pest seemed to disappear each time Mr. MHH came to help.
Fast forward to 12:30 at night. I was wide awake, the Mr. was not interested in staying up super-late to hang out . . . so I decided to take a bath. All was going well until I realized that nasty little nusiance has followed me into the bathroom!!! As I sat in my blanket of bubbles, vampire mosquito flying around, I found myself wishing for a gun, grenade, something big and explosive to blow this nasty vermin to high heaven. I imagined myself pulling out a hidden handgun and bam! "Make my day, mosquito." Yes, I now realize that shooting the teeny bug would have done a tremendous amount of damage to my house and would not have been a good decision. I would've felt better though.
Not to worry, I did manage to rid the world of said beast before it infected my toothbrush, or bit me for the 100th time.
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At least she's not drinking Natural Light |
I like all things kickball, but am not the most aggressive fielder. The kicking and running don't bother me . . . but I'm a little intimidated by the giant red ball hurling through the air at my head when the other team is "at bat."
Anyway, we were a little shorthanded last night so yours truly got stuck at second base rather than my usual post at catcher. So I'm standing there, about ten feet behind the baseline 3/4 of the way between first and second. Fro boy on the other team was up to bat- he kicks the ball toward third, rounds first heading toward second (for some reason running the bases ten feet deep in the outfield--- right into me. So, one of our guys throws the ball at the him to tag him out about 8 feet before he gets to second.
That is when fro boy (who was also apparently celebrating a birthday) loses it. He grabs the ball and chucks it . . . AT MY FACE. (whaaaaaat??)
Yes-- seriously.
He then proceeds to argue with my husband about whether or not his behavior was appropriate and kept saying that it was "all in good fun" and he was "just having a good time" and "celebrating" because it was his birthday.
Let me make sure I've got this straight, Sir Psycho.
1) Losing your temper and throwing things at girls is "all in good fun"???
2) As long as you're "just having a good time" you have some kind of hall pass to act like a complete idiot???
3) You were "celebrating"????
I'd hate to see how this guy acts when he's having a bad day.
Needless to say, fro boy decided that getting into it with my husband (who was furious but managed to not kill the guy) was not worth it. Mr. MHH is the nicest guy--- but DON'T mess with his woman.
We ended up winning something like 18-4. Happy Birthday, Sir Psycho
If you're interested in seeing a picture of the crazy or just in reading a fabulous blog, check out my friend Lauren at Climbing Grier Mountain. She's a foodie, photog and fabulous kickballer!