It has officially been snowing since Thursday, and while the sparkly white blanket all over everything is quite pretty- I'm filing complaints, so read this carefully!
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Totally functional . . . yes? |
- I don't happen to own any crampons. Even though I found some "girly" pink ones . . . I'm not so sure they'd work well with my usual heels. I couldn't even make it up the driveway in my snow boots today! (Someone once said something to me about function over fashion, but fur lined boots are functional-- yes?? ) Also, even if I could make it up the driveway/across the street to the watch party/ out on the back deck without wiping out-- how many days in a row can a girl live in snow boots before her outfit just becomes redundant and more snow boots must then be purchased? I'll be honest, 4 days is about my limit and I'm eying the Sorel Joan of Arctic boots.
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Dally loves snow, LOVES snow. If she is outside, it is impossible to get her back in-- and when she is inside, she is begging to get back out! She chases the snow, wrestles with it, eats it, chases it, lays in it . . . . and she only begs to get back inside the house when she is covered in it- Completely soaking wet with actual snow balls matted into her fur. 110 pounds of soaking wet dog is so AWESOME!- especially when all that snow melts off her in the kitchen, creating huge puddles for yours truly to slip on.
- Dally loves snow, at 4am. 4am Friday morning, Dally wanted to go outside. Since Mr. MHH and I have been trying very hard to get her housebroken, any time she asks to be let out-- we immediately jump up and let her out. Unfortunately, it didn't go that way Friday morning-- it went more like this:
- Dally woke up Mr. and Mrs. MHH, Mrs. MHH agrees to go let her out.
- Mrs. MHH gets out of bed, leaving the lights off so Mr. MHH can sleep a little longer
- Mrs. MHH reaches for glasses, knocking them to the floor.
- Mrs. MHH bends down quickly to grab glasses from floor and BAM- smashes nose/forehead on corner of wooden night table.
- Mrs. MHH cries out in pain, waking Mr. MHH.
- Mr. MHH takes Dally out, Mrs. MHH spends rest of night with bag of ice on face. - FAIL
Yum! This stuff is great! |
- Friends don't travel well in snow. Once we became Mr. and Mrs., I moved to the house in the 'burbs. I normally don't mind the commute, but the snow makes it MUCH more difficult for friends living in the urban jungle to venture out. Yes, snow- you are ruining my social life!
- Mrs. MHH doesn't travel well in snow, either. I decided Friday evening that if I had to tolerate the weather, I may as well embrace it-- and plans were made to head up i70 for some mountain time on Saturday. However, because the SNOW didn't stay up in the mountains where it belongs-- the roads were too bad to even drive up! So, I got to spend Saturday morning cleaning house!
Denver averages 300 days of sunshine a year- So, I feel like it's about time for the snow to bid us all, adios. At least go away long enough to melt the ice boulders so I can get out the driveway without tearing out the bottom of my car, eh? Maybe even long enough for me to get some Christmas decorations up outside?
I know what some of you are probably thinking- "Why is this lady living in Denver if she doesn't like snow?!" Let me clarify my gripes and let you all know that I do LOVE the snow . . . sometimes . . . not for 4 days in a row. I love snow on Christmas, on the ski slopes, on days when I am not trying to go anywhere or do anything and can just relax with a good book while the it falls outside.
So . . .
Dear Snow,
Please go away.
That, or do my Christmas decorating and shopping.
Mrs. MHH