It has been awhile since I updated you all on the wonderful world of newlywed-hood- but we have been SO busy!

I'll start at the beginning, a month ago (eek, can't believe it's been that long!) when Mr. MHH took me for a surprise pre-birthday dinner. He took me to one of my favorite spots, Capital Grille.
It. was. ah-mazing!

They were having this fabulous wine event where you get to try all kinds of different wines with each course of your meal. Since I was celebrating, it was a, "sure, why not!" moment. May I just say, best. decision. ever. The event was called The Generous Pour- and our server was generous. Mr. MHH and I had oysters to start, followed by a filet for him and salmon for me. We finished off with crème brûlée. Every bite was divine, and I was delighted to have leftover salmon to take home so I could enjoy my birthday dinner twice!

By the time we headed home, it was late enough that we were able to enjoy Larimer Square's fabulous July decorations. I just love that lights are always up on that street, and that they decorate for holidays. The American flags looked so patriotic!
A week later was my real birthday-- and Mr. MHH pulled out all the stops. All he told me was to be ready at 6:30-- but this was after he came to my work, brought two dozen roses and took me to lunch. Anyway, I came home and changed into something less work-ish and at 6:30 the doorbell rang.

Mr. MHH had rented aa town car to chauffer us around for the evening-- complete with champagne in the back seat! We headed to a fabulous tapas restaurant
9th Door where I had some scallops to start the evening off with something delicious... and it was. Hindsight being 20-20, I should have had more to eat.

After 9th door, Mr. MHH took me to the Downtown Tavern where a bunch of my friends surprised me. It was so special to see everyone and I felt so loved! There were baloons, there was a cookie cake, some beverages, presents, and lots of fun! We stayed for a few hours, until we were headed to the last part of my surprise, cigars and night caps! It was only part of the group at this point, but we had a blast. It was a fabulous day full of surprises.
Alright friends, I'll catch you up more tomorrow-- because we have lots to share!
Mrs. MHH